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Welcome Staking: How to Stake on Exchange
Welcome Staking: How to Stake on Exchange

Learn how you can make the most out of your Staking experience on Exchange.

Written by Mia Lee
Updated over a week ago

Staking adds variety to your trading experience and it allows you to make your funds work for you.

With up to 40% staking rewards on some of your favorite projects and no lockup periods, staking on Exchange is a truly rewarding crypto experience.

Below, we’ll get into the details on how you can start staking your funds on our exchange and how easy it is to get started!

Let’s dive in.


What is Staking?

Simply put, staking is when you lock crypto assets for a certain period of time to help support the operation of a blockchain. In return for staking your crypto, you earn more cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrencies that allow staking use a consensus mechanism called Proof of Stake.

What is Proof of Stake?

Proof of Stake (PoS) is a consensus mechanism used to verify new cryptocurrency transactions on the blockchain.

The Proof of Stake (PoS) model allows owners of a cryptocurrency to stake coins and create their own validator nodes. The Proof of Stake concept allows users to validate block transactions according to how many coins he or she holds.

How to enable staking on

In order to enable staking on your account, you need to open the staking page click the “Enable Staking” button.

In order to be able to stake your assets, you have to successfully go through the account verification process and enable 2FA(A notification will be shown otherwise).

After you’ve met both conditions, you will be able to click the “Enable Staking button”.

When Staking is enabled, the ON label appears on the Staking page.

How to disable Staking

If you would like to disable your Staking, please click Disable Staking button on the Staking page.

The confirmation button will popup.

Once you click it,it will disable staking on your account.

How to deposit staking supported coins and tokens

As soon as you have enabled staking for your account, you will have to deposit a staking supported coin or token to start staking.

You can do this in two ways: deposit your account or exchange funds.

1. Click the Deposit button to fund the staking supported coin or token

2. Click Go to trading to open the Exchange page and buy a staking supported coin or token in the usual way.

Supported list of staking assets

At the moment of 7.10.2022 we support the following staking assets:

DYDX - 11% Est. Annual Yield

HYDRA - 12.5% Est. Annual Yield

ALCX - 14.5% Est. Annual Yield

HBTC - 1.1% Est. Annual Yield

SNX - 2.5% Est. Annual Yield

LUNA - 7% Est. Annual Yield

ONT - 16% Est. Annual Yield

AXS - 40% Est. Annual Yield

WBTC - 1.1% Est. Annual Yield

Annual yields are not defined by Each annual yield is subject to change by the listed projects. A change in annual yields will be automatically changed on platform and the community notified.

How to view staking rewards details

In the staking rewards details, you can find out the Min. Daily Balance on which the rewards for the specific period have accumulated, the Daily Reward—the amount of rewards for the day, as well as the Reward—the amount of rewards paid at the end of the staking period for the whole period.

On the Staking page, click the value in the Avg. Staked Balance tap to view the Min. Daily Balance of the current staking period.

Staking Rewards

Staking Rewards are calculated daily and distributed according to the Payout Frequency on the Staking rewards are an incentive that blockchains provide to participants. Each blockchain has a set amount of crypto rewards for validating a block of transactions. When you stake crypto and you're chosen to validate transactions, you receive those crypto rewards.

The Staking Reward is credited when the Minimum Daily Balance is more than Minimum Holdings.

Reward = Avg. Staked Balance × K × Annual Yield / 365 ,

where K—the number of days in the current staking period when Staking was turned on.

Daily Reward

Reward for a specific day.

Daily Reward = Minimum Daily Balance × Annual Yield / 365

Minimum Daily Balance

The minimum Total balance for a specific day.

Current Day Minimum Balance

The minimum Total balance of the current day.

Total Balance

Total Balance = Main Balance + Trading Balance + Balance in Active Orders

Minimum Holdings

Minimum Holdings is the minimum Total balance required to receive Rewards. The minimum Staking holdings depends on the coin or token.

Avg. Staked Balance

Average staked balance in current staking period on which Rewards will be accrued.

Avg. Staked Balance = ∑ (Min Daily Balance for days when Staking is on) / K ,

where K—the number of days in the current staking period when Staking was turned on.

How frequently will I receive Staking rewards?

The Payout Frequency depends on the specific assets you stake. Find the current list here:

Can I trade and withdraw while Staking?

There is no lock-up period on. You can sell or withdraw your assets at any time.

What is the minimum staking period requirement to earn rewards?

In order to earn staking rewards, you need to hold funds for at least 24 hours starting from the next day after enabling staking on your account.

What is the minimum staking holding required to earn rewards?

The minimum staking holdings required depends on the specific asset you stake and should be not less than the equivalent of 0.0007 USDT.

Lock up Period

There is no lock-up period on You can sell or withdraw your staked coins and tokens at any time.


There are currently no fees for staking on Exchange.

Coins and Tokens

The current list of Staking supported coins and tokens is presented on the

Annual Yield and Estimated Annual Yield

Estimated Annual Yield is an approximate value of an Annual Yield.

After the end of the staking period, the Annual Yield will be shown in your Staking Reports.

To learn more about Estimated Annual Yield and the current list for all coins and tokens, please visit

On Staking Rewards are paid regularly. Please visit to see the current list of Payout Frequency for all coins and tokens.

Risks of staking

Single sided staking is less risky than providing liquidity on two sides of a trading pair.

Although less likely in single sided staking, Impermanent Loss may occur where the relative price of the deposited asset changes in comparison to their initial value during the deposit. The impermanent nature of this loss exists because the prices of cryptocurrencies can return to their initial exchange price at any given point in time. Once this happens, the loss would no longer exist because it is only permanent if a user takes their funds back from the staking pool. is not responsible for fluctuations in any cryptocurrency´s price. Further, is not responsible for the security and functionality of any cryptocurrency or blockchain and users should do their own research before using the staking features provided.

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